FreeSaaSStarterAuthenticationTailwindDatabaseTypeScriptApp RouterPages RouterShadcn UITRPC

Create T3 App is an interactive CLI designed to jumpstart your development with the T3 Stack, providing a streamlined and customizable setup for building full-stack, type-safe applications. Created by seasoned T3 Stack developers, this tool focuses on simplicity, modularity, and type safety, allowing you to quickly scaffold a Next.js app with the core technologies of the T3 Stack. The T3 Stack includes Next.js for server-side rendering and static site generation, tRPC for end-to-end type safety, Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling, TypeScript for static typing, Prisma for database management, Drizzle for SQL migrations, and NextAuth.js for authentication. This CLI isn't just a static template; it dynamically generates a project tailored to your specific needs by guiding you through a series of prompts. It aims to solve real problems by integrating only the most necessary tools, ensuring you have a robust foundation without unnecessary bloat. With create-t3-app, you can leverage modern web development best practices and bleeding-edge technologies responsibly, all while maintaining a strong emphasis on type safety to enhance productivity and reduce bugs. Whether you're starting a new project or looking to streamline your development process, create-t3-app provides a powerful and flexible solution for building type-safe, full-stack applications with the T3 Stack.
