PremiumSaaSAIStarterBlogAuthenticationPaymentTailwindEmailDatabaseTypeScriptREST APIMulti-LanguageGraphQLJavaScriptApp RouterSocialMaterial UIShadcn UITRPC
Supastarter is a production-ready SaaS starter kit for Next.js 14 and Nuxt 3. It provides common functionality and tools needed to build a SaaS, including authentication, payments, multi-tenancy, user impersonation, AI integration, internationalization, landing page, blog, documentation, legal pages, analytics, newsletter signup, customizable UI, dark mode, storage providers, mobile-friendly UI, type-safe API, custom emails, serverless stack, choice of database, CLI, and extensive documentation. Built with modern technologies such as Next.js, Nuxt, Supabase, Stripe, Prisma, and TypeScript.